Iphone Jailreak 6.0.1 3gs shutdown itself?
I had restore my Iphone 3gs to 6.0.1 from 5.1.1 just today? It is New boot-room and firmware version is now 5.13.04. Using RedSn0w latest version, I had it jailbreak [You know the stuff, for redsn0w you select ipsw 6.0 for stopping the keylist error]. Using Cydia, I had ultrasn0w installed as well. [My phone needs JB and unlock for working: P ) It is working now, only problem is "It turns off itself if I put SIM in. It is working fine without SIM, but if I insert the SIM, it just turn off. Then I restart it again using Boot option from redsn0w, but after couple of minutes - it is dead again. Battery is full and I have installed anything else yet.
Please advice.
Restore the software using iTunes… If you can't turn it on, use redsnow and go to extras then click "recovery fix". After you have restored your software, insert your sim card and jailbreak it again. Make sure you use 6.0 firmware (open redsnow and go to extras, then click select IPSW and select an ios 6.0 firmware you have downloaded from insanelyios page, DON'T USE IOS 6.0.1!) and jailbreak it again with your sim card inserted. Then click just boot and you should have a working cydia installed. If i doesn't work, tell me.
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