IPhone or Android? I don't know which one to choose

I'm not sure which device I want to go with. I've been hearing very bad things about iPhone. It's battery not being able to be removed. And it's small screen size. Android with it's bigger screen, and sleek design. Help me choose guys. I want everyone to give me your personal opinion on both the devices.

Iphone all the way.


Android all the way. It is more costumizable, and has cooler designs. Also, there are a lot of free apps for android that you would otherwise pay for if you have an iphone. Iphone has nothing on Android actually.

If you have money to burn, get the apple phone. If not, you can get phones that are every bit as capable as the apple phone for much less money. Of course the apple faithful will tell you otherwise. Your best bet is to go to some cellphone sites and read the reviews.

Although I'm an Apple fangirl, I would suggest getting an Android. They do a lot more than iPhones do and most Android devices are more powerful than iPhones. Just Google "Android vs iOS" to compare the features.

Well it really depends in what you want, you can replace the batteries on iPhone it is just a longer process than most Androids. If you want the customization of an Android in your iPhone you can jailbreak it which is fairly simply. The iPhone also has a retina display which has great pixel density meaning things look very nice and Apple with the iPhone 5 recently made the screen bigger. In terms of performance for say a Galaxy s3 (one of the fastest androids) the iPhone 5 beat it out in many things, while the s3 has better specs it is wasted by androids os compared to the iPhone's which is more efficient.

Overall it is really just your choice but I would go with the iPhone personally.

Although I'm an iPhone user (I'm using one to answer this question right now) I Personally think android is better since people have been saying how good it is. But it's up to you.