IPhone Plus VS iPhone regular size?
IPhone Plus VS iPhone regular size?
Iphone plus
- Is there a size difference between the iPhone 6 Plus and the 6S plus? I see some sites say 6s plus is bigger & some say they re the same but I wanna buy a phone case & I have 6s plus so I want to make sure I don't get one that s the wrong size. If I order one that just says 6 plus will it fit my 6s plus?
- If i cut my regular size SIM card will it work? I have the iPhone 3GS and my brother upgraded so hes giving me his iPhone 4 which requires a smaller SIM card. If i cut the SIM card to the iPhone 4 shape will i have access to using my data? I've cut my other SIM card and tried it on a HTC One X and I had no access to data. So will I have access to my data?
- Difference between iPhone 6 and 6 Plus besides screen size and ppi? I feel like $100 is too much to give up for that very minor advantage. Is there anything else that the Plus offers that makes it worth the extra $100? $50 would've been more fair.
- CDMA iphone to regular iphone? I want to transfer my data/pictures/contacts to a normal iphone but mine is CDMA and its not as simple as switching out the sims, is there any way to do it?