IPhone reboots during OTA update?

Hi, I'm new at iDevices, I recently had my iPhone4 @ 5.1.1 and it's jailbroken, then I tried to update it to 6.1.3 via OTA. I've finished downloading it and after the phone verified the update it rebooted and now it's on continuous reboot for like half an hour by now. It just shows the apple logo then reboot cycle. Is this normal?

Jailbreaking an iPhone changes some of the system software to be able to access parts of the phone you can't normally access. The OTA update probably updated some of those files and not others, which is why it's constantly rebooting.

You might be able to wipe the phone completely and install a stock version of the OS and start from scratch. Look for forums where you found the instructions to jailbreak and see if they offer something to return to stock.

Only update same OS- stock OS to stock OS or jailbroken/rooted OS to jailbroken/rooted OS.

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