IPhone Sim card - large and small?

The situation is, I have an IPhone 4S and an IPhone 3.

My IPhone 4S uses a micro sim but it is broken.

My IPhone 3 has a larger Sim slot.

Is there anyway I can put the micro sim card in the larger sim slot? If I have a holder that means it isn't loose in the Sim slot?

It would be a temporary measure for a couple of weeks until I get a replacement IPhone 4.

AT&T has free sims, grab one from a CORPORATE store.

If you can center the sim, the contacts are the same on the micro and full size sim

There's no iPhone 3. 3G or 3GS.

You would have to get a microSIM adapter to fit the SIM into to go into the 3G/3GS.

The solution is cheap and easily found on Ebay

Micro Sim Adaptors are available all over the world:-)

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