IPhone touch screen delayed and unresponsive?

I updated my iPhone 7 to the IOS 11 update recently and ever since my phone has not been responsive to me touching the screen or swiping. I've heard to reset it and I have several times. Anyone else having this issue and what are some solutions?


Nope, no issues for me. Apparently in speed tests the 6s was something of a turning point for iOS 11 being installed in terms of performance being able to be as fast or in some cases, faster.

I would try a restore (as opposed to a reset) & see if that helps.

After you upgrade to iOS 11, the phone will spend time reogranizing and reoptimizing the apps and data stored on the phone. This takes time and can make the phone slow and run hot while it's happening. This can take a couple of hours or longer depending on what's on your phone, and rebooting the phone starts the process over again making the wait even longer.

Be patient, let it finish overnight, and it'll be fine.

I had the same problem, I closed any apps that were running in the background and it suddenly went away.

What happened after you restored your phone using your computer? If that didn't work, you have a hardware issue that needs to be repaired.

This problem is related to touchscreen sensors. Screen sensor is malfunctioning. Get your phone repaired.