IPhone vs Android vs Windows Phone?
Which smartphone/platform do you use?
Definitely get an Android phone. My son and my sister both have iPhones, and they're a pain in the backside. Just today, my son had to find an iPhone store and get them to work on his phone; they were NOT successful in getting it to work again. My sister's phone is only about a year old, and I think she's ready to pitch it in the nearest dumpster, it's so fouled up.
My own phone is an Android (Galaxy SIII) and I've never had a moment's trouble with it. I've supported effectively every brand of phone on the market (and any number of Chinese "white-box" phones as well), and I have yet to see a phone that's better. My only exception to that statement would be if BlackBerry made a GOOD touchscreen phone, but so far, they are 'way behind in that particular market niche.
If I had anything to say about it, my own company would terminate the relationship with Apple as soon as legally possible. They're a hassle in more ways that I like to think about.
Android is an amazing phone. I use htc wildfire smart phone. It's an android.
Window phone
ANDROID! If you get an icrap you'll regret it, if you get an android you can do all sorts of things with it such as: make apps for it, install roms, save over a thousand files on it if the one you get has a SD card (i.e.music, photos, apps, etc.) did i mention that android has a feature called app2sd which lets you put most apps on the SD card, for example if you download an application that is, say 18 Mb if you put it on the SD card then the space that it takes would decrease to about usually less than 2 Mb the rest of the memory is on the SD card, also unlike the apple app store they give you a refund within the first 15 min.once you purchase an app. You can also download apps from the internet or even downloaded app stores(there are some apps stores that you can get paid apps on the market for free) There's also this thing called "rooting" that will let you completely customize your android (i.e.change CPU speeds, surface dithering, vm heap size, resolution, and loads more. Also unlike the icrap you can add widgets to your home screen. I've heard that the newer icraps have battery drains, signal loss problems(there's an app on the market that simulates the icrap4's signal loss problem XD) and many other types of bugs and glitches. Now get out there and buy an Android (-=
p.s.: windows is so out of the question
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