Iphone won't turn on while its plugged in?
My iPhone had died yesterday, while I was downloading songs, and I think it was using up too much space, because I had it plugged in and my battery percentage was going down, but it showed the icon that the phone was still charging. I was wondering how I would be able to restore my phone or delete things off of it? ITunes will not show because the phone is not on.
If the phone doesn't work when it's plugged in, that means that you may need to get a new cord.
Did you have your iPhone plugged into the computer? That maybe the reason it went dead because there's not a lot power in USB ports on the computers. Next time before you do a whole heap of downloading, plug your iPhone into the wall and allow it to fully charge before downloading again. And also chances are your battery maybe going bad as well.
My phone is doing it too and I can't figure out how to fix it
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