IPhone X or IPhone 8 plus or IPhone 8?

Don't suggest any other phones

If i were you, i wouldnt buy any. Its a huge waste of money. But, i would suggest the iphone x.

I love my iphoneX

X, if you can afford it
8 otherwise.

X. If you're going to spend that much, why not put in the extra money and go all out.

You should try the latest Landline phone from ATT. It has the ability to save up to 10 phone numbers, has caller ID, and can redial the last number dialed. There's no X in the name, but it is the latest in technology. You can even hook up your fax machine to it!

None of them. I prefer 6s plus


None lol

IPhone 8 plus. Heard iPhone X has cracking problems.