Iphone3GS vs IPhone4S vs Iphone5, which is better?

I have the 3GS, but I'm wanting to upgrade. I'm leaning more towards the 4S because of its size. My 3GS is already pretty big in my pocket (length wise). I don't want something even bigger. Plus the 5's different charger seems inconvenient. I can always use a friend's iPod charger if I forget my phone charger. I can't do that with the iPhone 5 though.

In your opinion, which one is better? I'm looking for one with the most convinient size (smaller in length), and the one with less problems. I'm leaning more towards the 4S

I've had the 4, 4S, and 5. I'm inlove with my 5.it's super light, fast, and just overall a good phone.apple sells an adapter that's about $30 that one end fits your phone ad the other fits any old apple charger, I have it and it works great. The 4S is good too, but it feels like a brick compared to the 5. The 5 fits into my pocket perfectly and doesn't make a noticeable lump in my jeans, so the size isn't that big

I think you've made your mind and just wants some reassurance.

let me get this clear, the 3GS has the same length as the 4S/4 so if you don't like your iPhone's length, you won't like the 4S either.

Iphone 5 is a little thinner, so that might help your pocket.

I agree with you on the charging cable. No arguments there… But keep in mind you'll use this for 2 more years and your friends might upgrade to a newer one.don't buy the 4S solely on this fact!

Even though i sound like i'm leaning towards the 5, i'm only clearing up your points.don't pick solely on your reasons above.

For me, I love the 4S. It's beautiful, sleek, just the right size and weight (heavy enough to feel sturdy and solid) it's also fast and reliable. (not that the 5 isn't, but really… You save money with this phone.)
Additionally, there's no significant change in design or functionality from the 4s to the 5 that would be worth spending more money on.

I pick the 4S, but you should do some research and see which fits you best (ect. Is spending more money worth the extra speed? Or little improvements?)

Jee… Which one do you think is better?