Ipod touch and iphone not connecting to computer and itunes?

First the problems was my ipod touch, it did not connect to itunes, my computer or would not charge. I tried everything, uninstalling apple software, restarting apple mobile device manager. I tried to find the apple mobile device usb, and it was just not there. My iphone has been connecting fine in terms of connecting and charging, so when i connected it i found the apple mobile device usb and followed the instructions on this page http://support.apple.com/...38#error52 so i went to delete the apple mobile device usb, then when i went to scan for hardwear changes it didn't install back, so now also my iphone can't connect to itunes, but unlike the ipod touch it does connect to the computer and charges.

Please some one help me! I have been trying to fix it for ages, and and am at my wits end.

Try closing iTunes and restarting your computer. Then open iTunes and try again to see if it recognizes your iPod. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling iTunes, then plug in your iPod touch. You can also try and plug your iPod touch to another USB port on your computer/laptop. If none of these methods work then you can always call up Apple © at 1-800-676-2775.

Here is also a page all about iTunes and troubleshooting:

Hope this helps!

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