Is 500MB of data enough for an iPhone 4?

Just ordered an iPhone 4 sim that includes 500MB browsing data. Is this enough for a month?

If you are just checking your email.

As long as you use Wi-Fi when you're at home and you don't use 3G excessively then it should be fine. My friend has 500MB of data and the only time she went over the limit was when she was on holiday and using 3G.

I'm either at home or at work, so use the Wi-Fi there, the Iphone like all good phones will always choose a Wi-Fi connection over a 3G connection.

In essence its hard to say if it will last a month, like the food in the cupboard it all depends on how you limit yourself.

bear in mind there are charges if you go over your allowance, it doesn't stop working just because it has run out, some like Vodafone charge £5 a month if your a pay monthly customer and £1 a day if your a PAYG customer.

It doesn't entirely on how much Internet use you need. E-mail and browsing should be fine. Don't forget to use your w-fi at home so that you don't use your cell Internet time.

Should be just for day to day browsing.

  • Would 500mb data be enough for me? - 1 I just bought an iPhone 4 and I'm looking into getting Verizon. I'm not sure if 500 mb will be enough for me. I get on Facebook daily and I use twitter instagram ifunny and might even browse some web pages. I might use the iMessage and FaceTime features as well. I don't know how often I would use those. And I have Wi-Fi at home. But would this be enough based on your understanding? Please let me know.
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