Is an iphone 4 a good camera to film?

Can i make short films or movies wuth my iphone 4? Would i need to go buy a camera? Is this a good starting camera?

If you plan on seriously making MOVIES, then you definitely need a way better, professional camera. If these are going to be youtube/home movie sorts of videos, then an iPhone 4 would probably get the job done.

Dslr for QUAL but you can make a video with anything

Not really. I have an iphone 5 and the camera stinks. I avoid it as much as possible. Get a dSLR.
Use your iphone for snapshots only.

From your name, it seems that you want to produce scripted videos, but for some reason your instructors at your film school did not cover the basics with you and your fellow students.

Each camera type is suited for specific things.

Video cameras to shoot video

Motion picture cameras to shoot film

dSLR cameras to shoot still photo assignments

P&S cameras to take to your parties and when out with your friends

Save your camera feature on your mobiles for taking photos when you do not have anything else… Like a real camera

The iPhone is just that… A PHONE.
If you want to make videos then buy a Camcorder or Video Camera.