Is having the intent to do something bad really that wrong if you change your mind?

^^^^ That's the short q, this is q about my own situation.

Basically what happened was my friend was wanting to go on a wkend trip with her boyfriend but her parents said no for a lot of reasons. She then wanted me to lie and say she was staying w me the whole wkend and for us to switch our sim cards out so that if her parents tried to look up her location by her phone it would look like she was at my house. We were going to forward each other's texts. I felt really uncomfortable about this, and I said so, but I felt compelled to go along with it because my friend has been a really great friend to me for years. Plus she gave me the iphone I have now after mine got ruined, plus she's given me a ton of other really nice and expensive stuff and has never before asked me for anything. We had been talking about this on speakerphone bc I was driving and my 12year old drama queen sister heard everything. The next day my friend called and said she was very sorry about everything and that she was calling the whole thing off. I didn't tell my sister that bc I just didn't think of telling her, it didn't involve her. Unfortunately my sister told my mom the whole plan and my mom then called her dad. My mom has a pretty obvious crush on her dad so I think that's the real reason she called him! My friend's dad was extremely mad at her and didn't believe her when she said she had called it off. We normally text but when she called it off I was driving again so we talked, so we have no proof. She's grounded now. She's mad at me. I don't know what to do. I think her dad is being unfair about it all but I don't know what to do. I was going to call him but I think he probably won't believe me either and will think she put me up to it. Now my Nana is mad at me too and said I was wrong to have ever thought about going along with it and I should have said no right away. The thing is, my friend and I never actually DID anything. We just TALKED about it. Should she be grounded and me be lectured for TALKING and not doing?

Antisocial behavior and criminality are both driven by an inability to self-correct. Most normal people form intent to do wrong from time to time but are able to self-correct prior to committing the act. The trigger mechanism to self-correcting is what we generally refer to as conscience.

Honestly, they should have believed you and your friend, but a lot of parents have a hard time believing things they don't want to, even if it is the truth. There's probably nothing you can do about the situation, but accept it and it will eventually become something you can laugh at. If your friend is a true friend she will continue to talk to you and not be upset about anything. It is good that you did not go through with it, but a plan of action can still carry some consequences. Things will work out in the end.

Holden is right it is the Act which is right or wrong I should point out that we're often led into trouble by our friends "To thine own self be true and it follows as night the day to none can you be false" Shakespeare

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