Is Ipad the same thing as Iphone but just bigger screen?

I wonder If I should get Ipad mini, is it worth it If I have Iphone 5? Is there anything that Ipad can do that Iphone can't?

Yes, not much difference between the two

The iPhone can do things the iPad can't, like make calls, and text messaging over 3G and 4G. The iPad does not have an ear speaker so you can't hold it to your ear and listen to a call. Other than that, they both run iOS, but the iPhone 5 has an A6 chip, and the iPad mini has an A5 chip.

Much bigger screen. And, yes, they're identical minus being a phone. Also you don't need to purchase a data plan if you have a Wi-Fi only model. I have both and honestly, I don't even use my iPhone anymore for Internet. I wish I just had a dumb phone now because I hardly ever access any data from my phone anymore. Size does matter.

You should get the iPhone 5. But ipads have better hard ware than iphones but the ipad mini is a bit lower specced than the iphone 5

I think its the same thing. The ipad just has a bigger screen

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