Is it bad that I can't relate to the kids in my school?

I'm in freshman year at the moment, but I'm going to be a sophomore in August. Ever since I started high school I felt like I wasn't like the kids in my grade or I couldn't relate to them. Most kids in my grade have iphones, I have an android. They like to be rude to teachers and talk during class, I'm quiet and my teachers like me. They liked getting involved in drama, I don't. They're beautiful and have friends, I don't. They have boyfriends/girlfriends, I don't. They bully people, I can't even find the guts to talk to any one. They skip class and get detentions, I never have skipped class or gotten a detention. Because of my shyness and inability to talk to people, I don't have any friends. They love themselves, I don't. They are into money and steal, I'm not. They like rap music, I don't. The kids in my grade bullied me by asking me super personal questions, and when I think about how I can't relate to the kids my age I feel like there's something wrong with me or I'm just different in general because all the kids my age are basically the same. I feel kind of upset because I can't relate to any of the kids my age so I don't know if I'm going to be able to make friends when I become a sophomore in august. Is it bad that no one else in my grade is like me or is it bad that I'm super different? Thoughts?

Most kids in school are probably mentally ill and don't know yet or abused, so feel good about this.

My thoughts are that it is good that you are not like other kids in your grade. It can let you focus on good grades and extra curicular activities that will count when you go to college. Do not be afraid to volunteer for clubs that interest you. Just be sure its interesting to you and the people will let you be you. Get in good with teachers who will help you and prepare you for college and beyond. Kids in your grade may then be jealous of you when you graduate top of your class.

You probably get on with older people.A few grades up from the "midteen crises"type.Don't force to fit in.Peer group will have to catch up later or never will. Do what you enjoy, share with those who think similar to you even if they are older.Group think is boring. They try to convince each other that they're cool. They are copying the main trend to be accepted. They don't know how else to communicate.You'll be fine.

If that's the way kids in your school misbehave you should be grateful you can't relate to them. They're headed for trouble while you can skip all that and be great.

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