Is it bad to use iphone apps to edit pictures?

I use vsco cam to add filters to my iphone photography. Is that bad? I have an assignment to turn into for yearbook class and it's about "telling a story" through 10 photos. I like using vsco cam to enhance my photos a little more. Can I do that or will it not be considered "photography"?

Its not bad

As long as the App applied filter doesn't become the main focus of the image you should be fine. Editing of images has always been done. It use to be done in the darkroom using filters, dodging, burning, etc. Now this editing is done digitally.

If someone looks at the image and sees the subject of the image first, then you are fine.

If someone looks at the image and notices the filter or effect that you applied, then don't use it.

Not at all, but the results will be very primitive and will soon become cliché as more and more people use cookie cutter apps

Most instructors have at least one computer with Photoshop installed and that is what makes truly unique retouched images.

Do NOT get too carried away. With too much artsy stuff, but I'm sure your instructor will help you modulate your shots

Remember that your goal is to tell a story, NOT spend a lot of time using apps to cover up any of the images that are not your best effort

Do whatever suits you. There's no such thing a a single style of 'photography'. But you might make discreet enquiries about what your class teacher, or the exam board, likes if your yearbook has to count for an assessment.