Is it crazy to buy my 8year old daughter an iPhone?

Now that I'm working full time and she goes to childcare mornings and after school I wan to be able to call her and text her while I'm ag work

An i phone is a bit too far, the things kids search up these days is crazy. Do you really want to take that risk of not knowing. Wait till she is responsible. This new generation is getting iphones left right and center, when i was 13 if a kid had an iphone everyone wold crowd around to see what it does

Very crazy

Get her a cheaper phone first on pre paid until she can prove to you that she can be trusted to not run up mega that she will make a real effort to look after it (have you seen what it cots to replace an iPhone screen?) and won't lose it.

She just needs a phone that can receive texts and phone calls. A £20 phone can do that.

Well, it's overkill for what you want to use the phone for. Any cheap phone would enable you to call her and text her.

Yes. She is only 8 yearsold, and you expect her to be responsible for an expensive smart phone? She doesn't need one yet. She could end up using it to play games all day at school, go online to search stuff (including things you might not want her to see yet), and what if she breaks it, loses it, or gets it stolen. She could leave an app on that uses data and then incur data usage charges. If it's just for calls or texts, just get one that can send and receive calls and texts. Or you can just call the school or daycare and leave messages with the teacher.

I think its ok to do that if you turn the restrictions on. They are built into iphones so put a password that she can't guess, and that way anything installed has to go through you.

Get her a cheap prepaid phone if she must have a phone. A smart phone is more then she needs, and makes it easy for her to run up the bill, or get online without supervision.


She doesn't need an iphone. No child does. Get her a cheap pay as you go phone that does nothing but send and receive calls. She doesn't need it any way and only wants a phone becosue her 'friends' have one and she wants to show off

Considering I had flip phones or no phone at all until 17/18 that's rediculous waist of money and dangerous