Is it important to use an apple charger?
I lost my apple charger for the iphone, and i got one that i bought from dealextreme that do charge the iphone, yet i fear that it can ruin it.
does it really matter?
As long as you are not getting an "incompatible device" message when you plug it in and it does have the proper Apple end it should be okey. I understand that Apple does not even make chargers so just make sure that you have a good brand name.
It has no effect on the device as long as it doesn't come up on your computer with an error message.
Its doesn't matter as long as it can charge. But beware you don't want your phone to be burnt by using a cheaper chargers. IPhone are a better or good chargers or I would say buy the chargers from the apple retailer. At least you can fight in case of mishaps.
There's no problem charging through other but after some time, if it will duplicate than it can give fake charging that is -It will show you 100% full in some minutes but actually it's 50-70% only And it will rapidly decrease your battery backup… Like you are satisfy by my answer.
Don't worry about it! I know that the products from are all reliable, they won't ruin your iphone! I have bought a charge from for my iphone 1 year ago, it still work well! And my iphone is Ok
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