Is it lawful for my parents to take away my phone?
I'm seventeen, and I make around 9-10 thousand a year, between by job and babysitting (I live in a very wealthy area where people pay a lot of money for babysitting, and I get paid a good amount for my age at my job. My old phone broke, which my parents bought, so I decided to pay myself an iphone x. I wanted my own cellphone plan, so my brother signed one for me, as I'm a minor and it's not legal for me to have one on my own. I give him money each month for it. So technically speaking, I pay for it, even though it is under my brother's name. My parents tried to take it away, and they are mad that I said that I wasn't giving it to them. I just stay up past midnight, nothing major. So, my question is: Is it lawful for my parents to take away something that I own? I paid for it, so is it stealing? I'm just really stressed right now, because my parents are really mad at me for refusing to give it to them. It's my property.
You are a minor and unless you are emancipated can't legally own property in the first place. Your assets belong to your parents.
Yeah, and you live in their property. If you want to keep your phone move out, otherwise while you live under their roof you follow their rules.
You are LEGALLY a child. Yes, it's LEGAL for your parents to take away your phone no matter who paid for it.
You have no property. CHILDREN can't own property. It's not your property.
You can decide anything you would to decide, and your parents can overrule you. Next year, when you are 18, you can move out and take anything with you that your parents allow you to take. Interesting, should the family dynamics become really strained, your brother lied when he "signed for one" and you began to pay him monthly. It's fraud on HIS part.
Is 17 a minor in your state? Case closed! Be patient… You will soon be 18!
Get over your baby self if you make so much money then just when you turn 18 move out or get a court order and move out now. A parent can take anything away from a minor and they are well within their rights to do so. Don't break the rules and you can have your phone. They will probably give it back to you within a week or less.
Yes. While you can legally own lots of things, you can't possess them without your parent's approval. Things change when are older and no longer a minor because then your parents can legally kick you out of their house when you defy them. You might want to give that face some consideration.
Yes it is lawful for your parents to take something away that you own, it is called parental control. You as a minor may own things but your parents have control of your access to those items. And depending on the state where you live they may have control of more. For instance the Ga Code 19-7-1(a) reads "Until a child reaches the age of 18 or becomes emancipated, the child shall remain under the control of his or her parents, who are entitled to the child's services and the proceeds of the child's labor. In the event that a court has awarded custody of the child to one parent, only the parent who has custody of the child is entitled to the child's services and the proceeds of the child's labor."
By the way grow up.
I stopped reading at "I'm seventeen" because nothing else matters.
Yes, they can take your phone away. As a minor, they control your property. I wouldn't push the matter, because those property rights Include the money you make.
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