Is It necessary to have an IPhone and IPod touch?

Do you own any apple products?

No it's plain stupid.

I used to have an iPod a few years ago and now an iPhone. After my contract ends I'm done with Apple and it's cash cows lol.

That is an incredibly large waste of money.

They're the exact same thing except the iPhone has a phone application.

What do you mean by necessary? You don't have to have one. A lot of people do though. I have and Ipod touch but that's the only apple product I own.

No. But I do happen to have both.

I got the iPod first. I'm getting an iPad mini soon

Not at all but ask an Apple fan boy and they will tell you differently.

I just have an iphone 4s and an ipod nano

I don't plan on getting any other apple products

Nope, I have owned apple products. Before, I brought them I thought of so many things I'd do with the product. When I got it, I realized everything I did was so similar, got boring. I could have put a bit more money and get something more fun or save the money. Also, everyone owns either one.

It's pretty pointless to have an iPhone and an iPod touch at the same time.

No, I'm too smart to own any apple products.

I own a Macbook, but I only got it because my other laptop burned down (literally). I don't think it's necessary, people make it seem like "what the hell's wrong with you, everybody has an apple product and you don't you must be lame", it's not true. In fact, I don't like either, they're too small. I own the Galaxy S3 which I have fallen in love with:$

I guess not. I don't own either one

An iphone is basically the same as an ipod touch, but only with phone capabilities. Its not necessary to have both.

No, it's not.

No that would be a waste of money. I had an iPod touch then a few years later I bought a iPad. I sold my iPod touch because they do virtually the same thing, the iPad just does more. If you have a iPhone and a iPod touch that is kind of pointless. They are pretty much the same except you can call people off of one and you can't off of the other. We have over I want to say 6 apple products in our household. 2 of them are the old school iPod nano's, because we listen to music in our cars.

Do you mean both? No you only need one as they both do basically the same thing except the iPod isn't a phone.

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