Is it ok if you don't have an iphone?

In school, I see everyone with cellphones while I sit in my desk doing nothing… -.- But I told my friends I would get one after I graduate from high school.

Yes, you don't need to have an Iphone.

No. It's not ok. It will never be ok.

It's really no big deal. Honestly, I can't afford an iPhone, and so I do not have one. But my life won't be ruined by this, instead, there are many other wonderful cell phones for your choice.

I think it will be OK. It is just a stream to have an iPhone, but it is not necessary. You can do some other things, there are a lot of funcy things to do as an hobby. And you can learn a lot from them, I think it is more meaningful.

A lot can happen with owning a cellphone. It might get stolen. It might freeze and mess up. The data on the smart phone might go over what the monthly plan is, and they have to pay more. The glass on a lot of iphones breaks to easy. If your friends call you on your regular house phone, and you are okay using that, don't get a cell phone. The phones won't be as fast for the internet as your regular computer. I think that you are wise to get one after you graduate. I think that the people at school shouldn't have the phones out texting when they need to be paying attention to the teacher and class. You will be more focused and get better grades, while they get bad grades not paying attention texting silly things like hi what's up