Is it okay to want/have an iPhone at age 16?
I've never had a phone that is mine, apart from the outdated $20 phone my dad gave to me to share with my sister and mom on occasions. I would like a better phone that is my own (not to sound selfish, I hope that makes sense) so I have talked to my dad about getting an iPhone. At first, he said we should keep looking for better plans for the phone. Later on, he said that I don't need an iPhone at my age. I'm not demanding one, I just want a phone that I really like. I'm trying to get a job so I can pay for it myself. What do you think about the whole situation? Are there any compromises my dad and I can make? Any suggestions for good plans in Canada are greatly appreciated.
Yes. The iPhone isn't bad.
At your age, if you can pay for the phone and plan, you should be able to have one.
Well diamondgirl428, I've got a 4s right now and for a 16 gig. IPhone plus a good case, it came out to be $272, however you say that you live in Canada, I don't so I can't help you in that area but everything is more $$ in Canada than it is in my country
If you earned the money to buy the phone and the plan Dad should go along. You're old enough now.
That is completely normal
iphone o. O
going with the flow?
they have nice htc phones and you can get a samsung galexy
iphones are overpriced
for games you can get ipod touch
getting a job is a perfect idea
$13 an hour, 4 hours a day
having a $20 phone is the only normal thing i've heard in a long time, everyone aged 9-15 is going crazy over an iphone, they use them for 95% games 4% texting 1% calling
It's definitely okay to have one, as long as you appreciate it. I would try to find a job soon, THEN talk to your dad. I would offer to pay for half the plan, and if he still says no, offer to pay for all of it if you really want it that bad. It would be hard for your dad to complain if you paid every cent of it… Good luck!
Hope this helped.
Totally fine i'm 16 and all my friends have smartphones… But maybe you guys could compromise with a cheaper smartphone like an android (thats what i have and i love it). The billing will be the same the costs in the phone are different
I got my first phone when I was 10, and got an iPhone 4 when I was 12.
.yeah. You shoulder.
Yes since you going to work u wilk get it
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