Is it possible to rejailbreak a jailbroken iphone 4s already?

Last night i downloaded something from cydia and it crashed my phone now its stuck at the boot logo and when you turn it on it still has the same thing. Can someone help me i tried recovery mode and dfu but i don't want to lose any of my data.

There's no way. If it on normal mode you can uninstall cydia and instalous. But I'm guessing that won't work cause I tried doing that to my ex phone but that didn't work. She hard rest her phone and cydia was still there. So i don't know I might be wrong.

You can reinstall the jailbreak ie cydia. Especially if it's a tethered jailbreak.

In most circumstances it's easier to restore the phone.

But definitely try to reinstall cydia first.

Your phone is SOFT bricked. Easily repaired with the right tools, go to this website, and enter the forum for the iPhone.
This is no simple forum, but a forum with millions of members and hundred and thousands live at every moment. You WILL find the solution here, and if not, sign up as ask a question. For all people who have jailbroken their iPods/iPhones, rooted their android devices, and more, need to use this site.

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