Is it possible to text bomb, using an android, an iPhone?

I need to know if there's an app that will send 50-1000 texts to an iPhone using an android. I tried using SMS Combo and it seems to be working. The person I bombed said you can't text bomb iPhones. Are iPhones immune to text bombing? I mean. They had to of received something if they responded back.

Why would you want to text bomb someone anyway? Plus I don't think your going to find anyone willing to answer that on here.

It would just waste loads of your text messages. Chances are iPhones and possibly androids have something to check if they receive an abundance of SMS's (like 50-1000 all in one go from one number) then it may be a text bomb, plus your network operator might realize this and block the texts themselves.

People can send e-mails out multiple times to one person because there's no proper check to see where the e-mail originated from, but as SMS texts contain the original number, firstly they can be traced back to you, and secondly they are easier to work out if someone is text bombing someone. Plus even if your using a PAYG phone that was bought with an anonymous sim card, the phone operator can still trace the phone back to you using triangulation of the signal, so probably not a very good idea to try it anyway.

Yes it is possible, infact i have actually made an app for that a while ago:

here is the code snippet to send a message:
int number=3115552368;
String mes="Hello this is a survey… ";
int x=0;
while (x<50)
SmsManager.getDefault().sendTextMessage… Mes, null, null);

this is just a clip of it, to read more about it take a look at this

If more 1000 text your sending means it automatic create second one, but it will not show…