Is it possible to upgrade iPhone 4 to iOS 7.0.4 and not 7.1?

I have an iPhone 4 that's still running iOS 6.1.3, I have my 7.0.4 and even 7.0 SHSH blobs saved. Is it possible to upgrade to 7.0 or 7.0.4 with TinyUmbrella TSS server or something?

No, when updated, no mater how far its from from the last update, it will always be updated to the newest update

Agree with Blue. Sucks. Apple is protecting from yourself.

Why would you want to do that? Go to the latest version if upgrading. Actually with iphone 4 I would stick with OS 6 if its working great just because iOS 7 has alot of features that you won't get since the hardware is to outdated for that.

Unless you have jailbreak, since it's an iPhone 4, I'd actually recommend updating to iOS 7.1. It's much faster than 7.0.4. You can see a huge difference even with all the animations enabled.