Is it weird to completely copy another person's tattoo?

I have an app on iPhone that shows a large gallery of random people's tattoos. Is it weird to pick up a photo from here of someone else wearing the tattoo I want and ask the artist to copy? Is it weird morally?

No, gangs do it all the time
Are you a Latin king, blood, crip? Etc

It depends. If it is very detailed and you want an artist to draw it exactly as it is in the photo, that's a bit weird. It can be insulting to the artist, as if to say you're just using them to copy someone else's design instead of taking advantage of all their own artistic ability they have to offer. That being said, some things can really only be drawn one way. So if it's something simple, it's not that weird. For one of my tattoos, I showed my artist a sketch I had found online of two angels on a moon and asked her to redraw it with a few changes. You have to be careful as well because there are copyright laws and some people have gotten in trouble for stealing artwork and having tattoos of licensed characters without permission. And I personally have 2 friends that are tattoo artists, one of whom was fired from a shop for using someone else's stencil.

Weird? No. Though, you should give your artist a little license to make changes. Your tattoo should be a reflection of YOU, not a reflection of someone else's work.

Not weird but unless you're copying a flash piece it is very rude. If it is a custom drawing then a good tattoo artist will change some things around a bit that keeps the original feel and idea of the art but isn't completely ripping off someone's artwork.