Is it worth switching from the Blackberry to iPhone 5?

My blackberry is horrible… I can't access the app world nor my blackberry account, I keep having to reboot my phone (once or twice per week), and when i do my pictures get lost and I have to dig through the folders on my phone to find em. I can't add nor access my songs/pics on my comp when my blackberry is connected to it…

So I like the iPhone 5.Is it worth buying the iPhone 5? Should I get the 4S instead? Or should I stay with the blackberry?

Yes go for it the blackberry sounds like a p.o.s!

Worth it? Yes

More expensive? Yes

More fun? Yes

Is the iphone 4 free? Yes

still get the 5? Yes

RIM, the company that makes the Blackberry is teetering on bankruptcy. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend a blackberry to anyone.

Your decision should be between an Android based phone and an iPhone.

If your going to get an iPhone, then I'd highly recommend getting the iPhone5.It's physically smaller than the 4S, yet the screen is larger. It's faster. The 5 supports LTE (which 4G wireless), the 4S supports 3G only. The 5 has a very fast processor. Opens apps immediately. Downloads stuff off the Internet wicked fast.

The Android phones are very similar to the iPhone. Basically the same applications. It's a question of whose kool-aid you want to drink - Apples or Googles.

If you have other Apple products(iPod), you use iTunes, have a library of music on iTunes - then the iPhone is the best way to go.

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