Is it worth to upgrade iphone 5c to 5s?

I bought an iphone 5c last year at $110. And now i want to upgrade it to the 5s. Getting a 5s would cost another $430 if i trade in my phone. Is it worth it? I know the difference between the 5s and 5c already so i just need to know your opinions whether it's worth it or not

It is. Did the same thing and no regrets.

Probably not, you should wait for the iPhone 6 in September.

No, it's not worth it. There isn't that much of a difference between the two phones - and the price difference between the phones is only $100 anyway (if you were buying a new one).
Save the money and wait for the next one.

Meh… Wait for the new iphone 6.

You'll have 2 to choose from… Both with a bigger screen.

It's really not worth upgrading from a 5C to a 5S… Not much of an upgrade in my opinion.

No just wait for the 6

Wait for the 6