Is locking someone's phone considered an invasion of privacy? Locking an iphone by purposely typing in the wrong pass code until it locks?

Is locking someone's phone considered an invasion of privacy? Locking an iphone by purposely typing in the wrong pass code until it locks?

It is not an invasion of privacy. I think it would be considered something else.

If you're trying to cause it to lock purposefully, so that it gets locked, then it resets after a while then no. Some people do have the whole 10 unsuccessful tries and the phone deletes everything on it. So, best if you probably didn't.

To answer your question, if you're not getting inside of the locked device than -- that's the opposite of invading the individual's privacy.

If it gets lock then maybe reset your phone but it will delete all your important files. But I guess it will not consider as an invasion of privacy because you're not getting inside of the locked device.


Rude, being a jerk, damaging someone else's stuff and a few other things, but there's no privacy violation.