Is luuruu/saywhat/mavgo llc a legit company?

A few months ago I got a message on my freelance translation site about working for this company as a translator. At the time they told me they were called SayWhat which was going to be an iphone app. I took their tests. I felt very confident with my abilities and a few weeks later they told me I didn't pass. Then today I get this email from someone at "Luuruu" which on there website ( says they are a Mavgo LLC company. This person told me I did past their test and they want me to work with them. As long as I don't have to give out my bank account or social security number, I guess I'm okay with seeing where this all leads, but I can't find much about any of these companies online. Any info you could give me would be helpful. I'd love the extra income and to use my second language.

No, Mavgo LLC is a legit company but not luuruu/saywhat. Take your risks if you want but I'd rather not.