Is NHL game center worth buying?

Does anybody have it? It costs $4.95 a month. Is it actually as good as it looks?

- Watch up to 40 live games every week.
- Post game replays/highlights
- Watch repeats of historic games
- Rewind/restart/pause/slow motion
- Radio
- Chat with other fans without leaving the game screen
- Multi-game views (you can watch like 4 games in 4 corners on your screen at once)
- Can be watched on Computer, iPad, iPhone, Android, PS3, Xbox 360, Boxee, Apple TV, Roku, Sony Devices)

Added (1). Oh nevermind $4.95 is for if you're not watching games live. I don't know how much it costs for live

Sounds reasonable if you can afford it.

If you're a hockey fan then yes it is worth it.

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