Is she a stalker or not a stalker?
I apparently have no idea who this woman is. She's a mutual friend of my friend on Facebook. This woman and I are not friends on Facebook.
However I moved to Los Angeles, she then moved there.
My friend (who hates her/fb friend) told me she has the new iphone a week after I had a new iphone.
She went to in n out burger but can't eat any meet unless its Holy so I've heard about her. I bump into her at in n out burger twice.
I bought a car down there and now my friend told me how she said she wants a car so badly.
Her statuses and writing sounds more and more like mine and I saw for myself and I'm freaked,
This woman or stalker whatever, I've heard she liked her cousin like incest wise because she asked him to give her money every month when she works and she's wealthy. She would tell his girlfriend that she's with her man. But I've heard I have some resemblance to this cousin of hers.
What does it sound like?
I would say you are being stalked.
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