Is the iphone 4 better than the iphone 3GS?

I have a 3GS but someone is selling me their 4 for real cheap. Is the iphone 4 better and why? Also does it have siri?

The iphone 4 is Way diffrent and Its better looking, faster, and better to hold

It is better because of the attractive design the screen's display is brighter, the camera is 5MP and it has a front camera as well so you can facetime. And no only the iphone 4S has siri. Also battery life is better.

Yes.iphone4 is much better

4 is faster due to it's faster processor. Screen resolution is better. Camera is better. Siri is only available on the 4s and 5

The 4 is way better than the 3GS. It has a more clear screen, cleaner body (less fingerprints and scratches), a front camera, an improved back camera, nicer design and weight to it, and smoother processor. I'd say get it hands down. Unfortunately it does not have Siri though, but it's still a good step up from the iPhone 3GS.

Yes, of course the 4 is better.

Faster, better design, front facing camera, improved rear camera, etc

No Siri.