Is the iphone 5 worth the extra $100 compared to the 4s?

Its going to take me at least another 6 months to save up for a 5, and the droid I have now is terribly cracked and barely works. But if its that much better I can wait.

No, it only has a larger screen that I find just weird. Way to tall for me. Thats the only noticeable difference other than your old iPhone cargers don't work anymore. Get the 4s of the two but look into some other phones like the J Butterfly. Full 1080p screen!

The iPhone 5 is a nice upgrade from the iPhone 4S, but only if you're so keen about having the latest updates. In many circumstances the iPhone 4S does everything just fine, and is the most stable hardware running iOS 6 (iOS 6 had to be updated to fix many bugs for iPhone 5, which begs the question if iOS 6 was tested more for the 4S than 5 (spoiler: it was tested more for 4S.

Honestly, there are only 3 significant differences between the 4S and 5, excluding the price, all of which can be rationalized into why the 5 is not worth it if you can already afford the 4S.
1) Screen Size. It's taller, and unless you're in an aching need for a slightly larger screen that goes as far as adding an extra row of icons (many apps have still yet updated to work with the length of the 5, while the 4S still looks great), this is a pointless factor.

2) LTE Speeds. Ok, I have to admit, LTE is ridiculously fast, compared to 3G. But most cellular providers won't give you a data plan with LTE. What I mean by that is, they will give you a data plan, with your phone, with your SIM card, which despite may be capable of running up to speeds of LTE, will be restricted to 3G, unless you pay for more. This is something under your preference. As an iPhone 4S user, 3G has been enough to stream even HD videos, which tends to be the most resource-heavy dependencies, so go figure.

3) Processing speeds. It's faster, but I've yet to encounter situations where the 4S was not fast enough, but this is up to you.

All in all, I have to say that if you want to invest some more time and money to the iPhone 5, go ahead. For your first iPhone, it's okay, but if you already have a 4S or 4, it's not as substantial. 4S can do everything the 5 can do, albeit slightly slower and with a smaller screen space. Both of these will be negligible, unless you go as far as comparing each detail bit by bit.

I think so, its far better hardware but you can't go wrong with either. Here is a good video on the iphone 5 features if you haven't seen it:

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