Is the iPhone 6 worth upgrading to the 8?

I've had my 6 since 2015 and is still running like it's brabd new besides having to get the screen replacing a few times but I feel like the 6 is starting to get outdated with the 6s, se, 7, 7s, and noe the 8 and oldest iPhone the 5s gets the newest updates


Well I have the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 7s and there's no big difference just the looks and I would recommend you to get the iPhone X instead of the iPhone 8 because on the looks but if you like the one you have right now get the 8 it's the same as iPhone 7 in my opinion ·

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The A11 is an overkill. No mobile device needs it unless you are trying to run a server or use Autodesk Maya.