Is the IPhone 7 good for filming YouTube videos?

Is IPhone 7 good for filming YouTube videos for a fashion blogger? If a camera is better which do you recommend that isn't super pricy?

The 7 should be fine for that, since it records in 4K, 1080p & 720p

It'll probably be adquate to cover your *** in a tight squeeze, but I've noticed when top Youtubers switch to filming on their iPhone + Samsung equivalents the footage isn't up to their usual standards, and especially when the lighting isn't that great.

A proper camera has a bigger diameter lens that lets more light in, is chunkier (so easier to hold steady) + has a thread in the bottom for a tripod/gorilla pod.

An affordable camera… DSLR + Compact cameras used by top Youtubers like Casey Neistat and others like that cost in the region of $500 to $2000, but there's a Panasonic camcorder on for just under $200
It has the all important flip round screen that lets you see what you're doing on camera when you're in front of the lens… And I find camcorders tend to have a better focus than a bog-standard point & shoot digital compact which are cheap but tend to take a while to catch up if you touch the zoom.