Is the Iphone Really that good?
So I was thinking of getting the iphone 4, or 4s.
EITHERWAY. I currently have the HTC sensation. And yeah, it's not a BAD phone. Just a little glitchy from time to time, and it's missing it's volume adjuster on the side.
So, in the world's opinion?
Should I get the iphone, or just keep my HTC? (all price and hassle aside. I don't care: P)
IPhone 4s = amazing
Definitely get the iPhone. I was forced to make a similar switch and it was worth it in all ways.
I generally don't like Apples phone products (iPod touch is borderline for me) why? It's because of their service, speed, and viturally everything. It is bulky and continues to function improperly for some people. I prefer the windows phone. Slim, amazing OS, and somehow it fits in my pocket without looking like a brick.
Kane considering u as my dear sister I would suggest never go with crowd.
Apple is only name nothing else.
I have used 6 HTC phones in my life.
They all were perfect.
Now I'm using HTC one x.
It's way better than iPhone 5.
The iPhone 4S is a great phone but its not at all that amazing at first. Once you jailbreak it than its the best phone ever.
I hate the huge app icons, I can change the size of my apps, I hate the carrier logo so I changed it to the Super Man logo. Very easy to do to.
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