Is the s3 and iPhone 5 a fair trade?

I have someone on Craigslist that wants my s3. And they'll trade me their iPhone 5 for it. Both phones are mint condition. Is this a fair trade? Should I do the trade?

I would never trade an Android device for an iPhone. Never.

But that's just me.

Samsung phones r totally better than iphones. So much more powerful and packed with features. Iphones r simple phones and not very customizable. The s3 is amazing. And once uv had a larger screen u ll hate going back to a small screen. The trouble with iphone is you can't remove the battery, with samsung if yr running low on charge, just swap to a spare battery and carry on. The iphone battery is rubbish u ll get half a day. Iphone doesn't support micro sd memory card. With samsung you can buy a relatively cheap sd card and boost yr phones memory buy upto 64gb, thats tones of pictures videos and music. The android app store is full of free apps, with apple app store u ll be paying for more apps. Check out the online comparisons of iphone and samsung… Samsung always beats iphone. If you keep yr samsung watch daily tips and tricks on youtube to get to know yr phone. Also get player fm app and listen to android app addicts pod cast to get the most out of android.

Yep. IPhone 5 is a better device than the S3.

The iphone 5 is better.
the s3 is a older/slow phone.
the s4 is better than the s3 but still not as good as the iphone 5