Is there a comprehensive list as to what one is supposed to put in each type of tea?

Specifically how many sugars (what type of sugar, or if honey is supposed to be added), how much milk or if a lemon should be served… There's mention of there being rules in the movie (and book) the Davinci Code, this is the way Robert Landing gains entry into Sir Leigh Teabing's home. I would love to have a book on this, but an iphone app I can reference on the go would also be fantastic.

Haha no way. It's totally up to you. I use stevia, just to keep down the calories. There's a special sugar made by Teavana that's suppose to be the best sugar for tea, maximises the flavour or something. Also, what goes in depends on the strength of the tea, so you could have the same tea at different strengths, and it might change what you put in it.

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