Is there a jailbreak for iPhone 4S on iOS 6.0.1 yet?
I've been wanting to jailbreak my iPhone 4S but I haven't been able to find a jailbreak for it, I haven't really had much time to keep looking to see if there actually is a jailbreak yet or if they are just rumors, if anyone knows please help me out and if they know the link to where I can download the jailbreak please list it below, thanks
Not yet. There's for iOS 6, but that is the highest. One is expected to come out soon though, when iOS 6.1 comes out sometime this month or February.
You don't have to. I have an iphone 4 and i just updated it yesterday to ios 6. You must have itunes 11 plug in the cable to your computer. Then it will notify u that there's a new apple software. Click update and download ang itunes will do its work. It took 32 hours to download coz i have ios4.
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