Is there a jailbreak for the iPhone 5 running IOS 6.0.2?

If there's please send the link or tell me how to do it

Unfortunately no, there's no Jailbreak out for A5 and A6 Devices such as iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 regarding mobile devices.

Not currently sure when or if there will be a realease for IOS 6.0.2

I know it sucks, I have an iPhone 4s, hope one gets released soon!

Not publicly, but the developers are getting close, really close.
Give it another month.

I've answered this question before when someone asked about iOS 6.0.1 on the new 5 hardware. However I need to tweak my answer as some new information has come to light…

The answer to your question is YES! 'JB'ers have confirmed that there are now a tethered and untethered versions for iOS 6.0.2… However (ain't there always a string attached) the untethered JB has not been released.

So, naturally, the question is why not? It comes down to timing. All JB's (jailbreaks) are essentially software hacks that exploit flaws in the OS. They have confirmed that they found 4+ (for obvious reasons they aren't going to divulge the exact number they're exploiting) flaws in the current iOS version. The problem is iOS 6.1

Apple is very VERY close to releasing it. They anticipate some of the flaws that they're currently exploiting are going to be patched up.So, by releasing a JB now, they would be "tipping their hand" to Apple, who could add a couple more patches before they release 6.1 and reset the work they've done so far.

So… Just be patient. It will be released not long after iOS 6.1 is released. On the safe side, I wouldn't update to 6.1 right away if you're planning on jailbreaking your device. If you do, you could extend the time it takes for your device to be able to be jailbroken.

No. Go on to twitter and subscribe to absinthejailbreak or go to to check on on updates.

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