Is there a limit to the number of cd's i can move from itunes to ipod/iphone?
I'm burning a bunch of my old cd's to my itunes and then moving them to the ipod on my iphone (5, if that matters) and after several cd's moved to my itunes it wouldnt let me move anymore. The music just turned grey with a weird circle in the far left column. Is this the 7 limit that apple applies? If so how long do i have to wait until it resets?
I THINK I understand what your saying…
Itunes, Yes, Itunes could care less if you have a million CD's, a trillion, ITunes is unlimited.
Your Phone however can only hold according to the model # and the gigabyte storage it has.
Mine is 16gig… Once the data of the music goes over that then that's it!
Remove apps, remove pictures to gain some more memory on your phone.
Also… CD's are in a WMA format. The files (songs) are HUGE! A single song in WMA format is probably 10 times as large versus an MP3 format.
I bet your CD's are in that WMA format and are just killing the storage capacity of your phone!
On my 16gig phone I bet I could not do 20 old WMA formatted CD's
MP3 format… Probably 300 CD's!
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