Is there a real way to bypass iCloud lock?

Is there a real way to bypass iCloud lock i bought a iPhone X but it is locked and can't get in touch with owner of phone is there any way to get passed please help

Hold down the home button for two hours while keeping the phone perfectly flat on a surface. It is important that the phone's antenna is perpendicular with the Wi-Fi antenna.

No, & that's the point. It wouldn't be a good security system if it was able to be bypassed.

I'd look into getting a refund as it is likely you may have been scammed. Also very possible the iPhone X wasn't theirs to begin with.

No that is not possible

An iCloud lock is designed to stop thieves from stealing devices and resetting them. If it was possible to bypass that then it would be a pointless feature.

You bought a stolen device, your best option is to report the seller to the police for selling stolen goods.