Is there a Wi-Fi thermostat that doesn't require outbound internet connectivity?

I have looked @ Ecobee and inquired from customer service and they confirmed that the thermostat is controlled via their central servers.

In other words, say I'm home and connected to the same Wi-Fi router that the termostat is connected to, and using my iPhone to control the thermostat, this is how it would work:

iPhone --> My Wi-Fi Router --> Internet --> Ecobee servers --> Internet --> My Wi-Fi Router --> thermostat!

Now while I certainly see value in how this works, but why can't it be as simple as:
iPhone --> Wi-Fi router --> Honeywell Thermostat

I'm hoping someone knows about a good Wi-Fi thermostat that doesn't work require public internet access? Honeywell?

If you are home get up and go adjust the thermostat its that simple.

No there's no other way to do it on internet connected thermostats, that I know of.

See thermostats controlled by an in-home automation system like HAI or ELK. They both allow you to control your thermostats directly without going through 3rd party servers.

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