Is there an app for the iPhone to take screenshots?

My lock button is broken and at the moment I don't have a way to get to apple to get it fixed any time soon. Any screenshot apps?

Considering that its a built in feature, probably not. You can save safari pages though either to your homepage or one of the other options.

Yes, you need IOS 5 or above. Go to settings, general, accessibility, and turn on assistive touch, I new icon will be on the screen, you can tap on it and you will be able to do functions that you can't do with a broken button

What do you mean by your "lock button"? Do you mean the circular button on the phone, or are you unable to swipe across to unlock?

You press power+the circular button to get a screenshot normally.

My power button is broken, it used to be stuck and then I unstuck it so it clicks but nothing happens so now can I not only not take screenshots but I can't lock it anymore either.