Is there an sms tracker for Iphone without having to install it on the target phone?

My boyfriend has recently put a lock on his phone. I've never felt the need to go through his phone but the lock has made me very uneasy and curious. I feel like he's hiding something from me. I've decided to try one of those sms trackers and I've searched the internet but every one I've found requires you to install it on the target phone. Is there an sms tracker that doesn't require that? Like, one that all you have to do is call the phone and keep them on the line for a certain amount of time to activate the software? If anyone knows anything about this, I'd really appreciate your help.

No. There's none at all. Such a program would be considered illegal and you can be charged with violation of privacy and personal information if it was even possible.

No. There's none at all. Such a program would be considered illegal and you can be charged with violation of privacy and personal information if it was even possible.

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