Is there any form of JAILBREAK for the IPHONE 4S running on ios 6.0.1?
Is there any form of JAILBREAK for the IPHONE 4S running on ios 6.0.1?
Don't jailbreak use this instead CopyTrans Manager
heres the link its free:
i don't know if this is what you want but it will transfer apps, video, songs etc it should work 4 your phone i used it for my ipad to transfer videos from my pc and songs from my mp3
Jailbreak for 6.0/6.01 is not perfect now. When you jailbreak, you can close down your phone. Otherwise you need to conect to computer to lead to reboot.
Besides, if you have shsh of ios 5.x, you can downgrade otherwise wait for the 6.0 jailbreak
_I would like to TravleChina.HK
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