Is there any hard evidence of widespread fraud of welfare programs?

Or is it all just anecdotes. The most common type of answer I get is "my neighbor is on food stamps and has an iPhone!"

My aunt is a drug addict and gets welfare.

It's always somebody's neighbor. Apparently there are one or two conservatives who are completed surrounded by Escalade driving, iPhone using, 90" flat screen TV owners on welfare.

There was a black guy on the bus going to get his welfare check and he was bragging about his bling-bling in his mouth.

The government should lock people like this up in Gitmo, but 0bama's Black House would never have the balls to follow through with this.

Yes, look at the global economy.

The UN should institute a euthanasia program for people who voluntarily choose not to work when they don't have enough money to pay their bills.

None whatsoever. Isolated, just like when politicians are caught in a bribery scandal.

No. They do actually track fraud you know. It's about 1%.

"Hard evidence" - now there's is a tough one.
Most of it is "he said, she said", so absolutely NO hard evidence.
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"My 30 year old son, who never worked, lives with us, we pay all of his bills EXCEPT food. He must provide that himself, he does not eat with his father, mother and sisters. Occasionally we give him money for cigarettes."
What possible "hard evidence" could possibly exist to show there's fraud?
I have it - the recipient could say "That is a lie, and I lied when I said it."
No, that's only hearsay, not hard evidence.

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There are so many ways to game the system, there's not that much need to commit fraud that has any evidence connected to it, hard, l soft, whatever.

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I have dozens of cases (caseload of 400 families) that have had no reported income in over a year.
Think there might be fraud?

Q. "Why did you quit your job?"
A. "I was hired to work 30 hours a week, and they wanted me to work 40, so I quit."
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A. I was hired to work 35 hours a week, and they were only giving me 25, so I quit."

Q "How do you provide shelter for you and your four children, with no income?"
A. We live with my boyfriend who makes $100, 000 a year. He pays all of the bills, and buys us clothes, but he does not eat with us, and he never gives me any money."
no PROVABLE stamps and the medical cards for the family of five (not the boyfriend)

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Q. "How will your family of five live the next year, since you have no income?"
A. "My uncle died and left us $750, 000. We will live off that, and the food stamps and medical cards."

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Get the idea?

It is on here everyday. You can tell a real person from a troll.

I can post many questions if you want.

I consider people not doing all they can't support themselves and making excuses to justify their "need" a huge part of the problem.