Is there any iPhone free mp3 app that isn't a site?

Can't find a way to download free mp3 music to my iPhone without using iTunes


It's an iPhone. Use iTunes.

You can try free websites.
I think and
Are some good sites where you find a song you like and convert it.
For example you can find a song on youtube and copy paste the url in one of the websites and convert it.
The bad side to that is you need itunes. Matter of fact you have to have itunes to put songs in your iphone.
Itunes is free, you just download it. Convert the songs from the website and add it to itunes and then sync to your iphone.

Downloading music without paying for it is illegal. Apple doesn't allow apps that facilitate criminal activity in their app store. If you want to steal music, you'll have to figure out a way to do it on your own.

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